How Parents Can Support Their Children With Disabilities


While there is no cure for intellectual developmental disabilities, most children may learn the skills they need and participate in a range of activities. Despite their challenges, they have the potential to live their lives to the fullest. The type of environment that parents provide for them also heavily influences their positive outcomes.

We at A-1 Affinity Care aim to support families who may have difficulties in coping with a loved one living with an intellectual disability. We aim to go beyond being an HCS program provider in Texas, to include providing essential information that families can use at home.

Here are a few tips that might be of help to parents:

  • Learn about intellectual disability.
    The more you know, the better equipped you and your child will be.
  • Encourage independence in your child.
    Assist your child in developing daily care skills such as dressing, feeding, toileting, and grooming.
  • Give your child frequent feedback.
    Remember to acknowledge your children whenever they do well. This will aid in the development of their abilities.
  • Find out what skills your child is learning at school.
    Look for opportunities for your child to use those abilities at home for a more thorough learning experience.
  • Find opportunities in your community for social activities.
    These activities will assist your child in developing social skills while also allowing him or her to have a good time.

If you wish to learn more tips, get in touch with us today! You and your loved one may also benefit from our HCS program in Houston, Texas. If you require our support, it’s never too late, so don’t hesitate!

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